I haven't done much photography lately (too much tennis and work!) but we recently made our annual Bismarck trip, which usually yields a few good shots. Along with many monarch butterfly caterpillars, this red milkweed beetle was hanging out in my mother's milkweed garden.
Morning Moonflower
Flower photography seems to be a rite of passage for aspiring nature photographers and I was (and am) one of them. Of course, my goal is always to find a different angle or approach to make a more interesting shot than the billions of other "pretty flower" pictures out there. Against those odds, you're not going to succeed much, but it's fun trying.
TR National Park Panorama
Sometimes in nature photography you are pleasantly surprised. After a beautiful sunrise, our morning in Theodore Roosevelt National Park looked bleak, light-wise. Clouds obscured the sun's golden morning light and I thought landscape photography was going to be a bust. Instead I ended up getting one of my favorite shots of the trip.
One-Exposure HDR
In a previous post, I mentioned creating a high-dynamic-range image using multiple exposures. In this post I want to show an example of one of my favorite digital photography techniques: Creating an HDR image from just one RAW capture.
Theodore Roosevelt National Park Wildlife
I was excited to do some landscape and macro photography on our recent trip to Theodore Roosevelt National Park, but our numerous encounters with wildlife were an unexpected bonus.
Sunrise in Theodore Roosevelt National Park
My recent trip to North Dakota to visit the parents was an opportunity to finally go out the the badlands for some nature photography. This first post is about the sunrise Marly and I enjoyed.